
As you can tell, if you have been looking at my posts. That I took a long hiatus from publishing. Recently, Feb 2024, I started posting on my LinkedIn. Additionally, since the end of Feb, I recently restarted posting on my fitness blog. I may start doing some cross posting but for now, that’s enough.… Continue reading Restart

Name Thy Fear.

First Day of the Eleventh Month of the Twenty-Twenty-Oneth Year. It’s the day after Halloween. Halloween a United States custom of celebrating scary activities, dressing up in costume, and tricks or treats. Halloween reminds me of fear. Fears. We all have them. Sure some macho-man or macho-lady will say they face their fears, but the… Continue reading Name Thy Fear.

Improve your Retirement Savings

How can you improve your chance for a succesful retirement? Retirement Calculator “one of the best things you can do to improve your chances at a successful retirement is to use a free online retirement calculator” via: Save 20% Wade Pfau, professor of retirement income at the American College, which trains financial planners, has… Continue reading Improve your Retirement Savings

Great Dad Action List

Love this list by zenhabits on what to do to be a great Dad

  1. Sing with them.
  2. Run around with them.
  3. Make believe with them.
  4. Read to them daily.
  5. Dance with them.
  6. Tell them corny jokes.
  7. Paint with them.
  8. Make videos where they are the star.
  9. Set a healthy example by being active and eating well.
  10. Show them how to be independent.
  11. Teach them critical thinking, rather than just obedience.
  12. Teach them how to teach themselves.
  13. Don’t nag.
  14. Don’t be overprotective.
  15. Show them you’re proud of them.
  16. Let them make mistakes.
  17. When they get hurt, use that moment to teach them how to deal with pain.
  18. Show interest in what they’re interested in, and don’t make it seem trivial.
  19. Show them how to work passionately.
  20. Spend some quiet cuddly time with them.
  21. Make them pancakes with faces.
  22. Have Nerf dart gun fights.
  23. Play board games.
  24. Take them on hikes.
  25. Play sports with them.
  26. Show them how to use a knife.
  27. Be honest.
  28. Honor your commitments.
  29. Love your wife, and treat her with respect.
  30. Be compassionate to others, and them.
  31. Be happy with yourself.

» The Tiny Guide to Being a Great Dad :zenhabits.

Categorized as misc

I Think You Should be More Controlling in 2012

I Think You Should be More Controlling in 2012. My wish for you as the calendars turn is that you focus your efforts, both personally and professionally, on the stuff you can control. It’s the only thing you can do. Literally. –Andy Hayes