This is the personal Blog of Scott Stawarz.
Where do I work?
- I work at octāvity in the comfort of my home office. Although many times, I am at a client’s site discussing and implementing technology.
What are your passions?
- Besides family, friends, and relaxing, You often will find me passionately discussing Technology, Consulting, Business, Personal Finance, Design, Macroeconomics, Macro-politics, Personal Fitness, Science, Music, and Travel. Oh, and I can’t forget Sports. My favorite teams include: Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, Chicago Bulls, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Athletics. I retired from managing Fantasy Sports teams. I am not a White Sox-hater, but rather a Cubs Fan.
You mention Macro-politics, What are your politics?
- I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. I’d call myself an Independent. My Republican friends call me a Democrat, and my Democrat friends call me a Republican. I have yet to declare my party affiliation, but I will do so prior to any run for public office.
You play trombone?
- Yes, it is true, I have played the trombone in Jazz and Symphonic bands off and on since 1985. Since 2007, I have chosen parenthood over personal hobbies. One day, I will return to my musical studies.